
Dilemma Decoder

Use deduction and logic
to decode a situation about

Create New Dilemma

See the Big Picture

Practice understanding the moving parts in a bigger whole

User Friendly

You will love how intuitive our game is at understanding your guesses


Our intelligent AI will guide you through the ambiguity

Tune into your intuition

Learn to empathize and understand different perspectives

Top Dilemmas

Create your own

Describe the dilemma you want to create

Everyone will be able to play your dilemma! (currently in BETA)

We only allow submissions that are interesting and thought-provoking and decompose well into concrete steps — (read our rules)

Things to try


Should our startup pivot to a new market or stick to our original plan?


Is now the right time for our company to expand internationally?


Should I pursue a master's degree or focus on gaining work experience?


Should our city invest in affordable housing or a new business district?


Should I break up with my partner or try to work things out?


Do I confront my neighbor about their noisy car or just let it go?